Mutation Details for c.3186A>G
Note: this mutation was submitted but not yet reviewed by our curator.
cDNA Name
Protein Name
Exon or Intron
Other Details
Contributors and Institutes
Angius A.,Stasi M., Cardellini M.C., Becchetti T., Furbetta M. | - | Institute of Pediatria, -Lab. di Genetica Molecolare- Università degli Sudi di Perugia |
Submitted Phenotype Details
L1062L was observed by direct sequencing after detection of an abnormal DGGE pattern in exon 17b in a italian male with severe oligospermia studied for couple's infertility.He had c.274-6T>C in trans.The same no change mutation was identified in a female patient also screened in a program for infertility.
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