Mutation Details for c.2764_2765insAG
cDNA Name
Protein Name
Exon or Intron
exon 17
Legacy Exon or Intron
exon 15
Other Details
This mutation was found by DGGE and identified by DNA sequencing in a CBAVD patient who carries D1152H on the other chromosome. This insertion leads to a stop codon at the next residue (codon 923).
It does not modifiy any restriction site.
This frameshift mutation was also found by Bienvenu T, Bousquet S, Kaplan JC, Beldjord C (March 21, (NL#69)) by DGGE and direct sequencing. This mutation 2894 Ins AG is not found in 200 other non-[delta]F508 CF chromosomes and 200 non CF chromosomes tested. It was found in a CF adult male patient, currently 20 years of age. The patient presents a classical form of CF. The patient has [delta]F508 on the other chromosome.
Claustres M,
Guittard C,
Desgorges M,
Carles S
and Bienvenu et al.
Institut de Biologie Montpellier
Laboratoire de Biochimie et Génétique Moléculaire
Submitted Phenotype Details
The CBAVD 34y male patient carries D1152H on the other allele.(de Meeus 1998)
Claustres et al. (NL#69); Bienvenu et al. (NL#69)
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