Mutation Details for c.3176T>G
cDNA Name
Protein Name
Exon or Intron
exon 20
Legacy Exon or Intron
exon 17b
Other Details
The T->G transversion at nucleotide 3308 was detected in a 19 ys. old female German CF patient with R553X on the other chromosome. She was diagnosed by the age of 9 ys and now suffers from moderate pancreatic insufficiency and airways' colonisation with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. L1059X co-inherited with tbe XV-2c/KM.19 haplotype C and with seven GATT repeats. The mutation destroys recognition sites for HindII and MseI. L1059X was found once among 76 German non-[delta]F508 CF chromosomes.
Dork T,
Tummler B
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Hannova, Germany
Submitted Phenotype Details
The patient (female, 20) was diagnosed at 9.9y with CF, she is PI, has moderate lung disease and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa infections. She carries R553X on the other allele.
(pers. corr. Doerk)
Dörk et al. 1994b
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