Mutation Details for c.3294G>C
Note: this mutation was submitted but not yet reviewed by our curator.
cDNA Name
Protein Name
Exon or Intron
Other Details
Contributors and Institutes
Templin C, Altieri JP, Guittard C, Claustres M, des Georges M. | - | Laboratoire de Génétique Moléculaire, IURC | 641, Av. du Doyen Gaston Giraud | - | 34093 Montpellier Cedex 5, France |
Submitted Phenotype Details
This missense mutation was identified by sequencing in a newborn with positive IRT at birth (>110 ng/ml - IRT normal value < 65 ng/ml), p.Phe508del on the other allele and positive sweat test (84/76 mmol/l).
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