Mutation Details for c.2805_2810delinsTCAGA

cDNA Name c.2805_2810delinsTCAGA 
Protein Name p.Leu941X 
Exon or Intron exon 17 
Other Details Bengali origin; non-consanguineous parents. 
Contributors and Institutes
Martin Schwarz - St Mary's Hospital, Manchester, England
Jo Brock - St Mary's Hospital, Manchester, England
Megan Adaway - St Mary's Hospital, Manchester, England
Chris Charlton - St Mary's Hospital, Manchester, England
Brendan Mullaney - St Mary's Hospital, Manchester, England
Submitted Phenotype Details 3 month-old infant with failure to thrive and a cough. Two raised IRTs on Newborn Screening. Sweat test failed due to insufficient sweat, but a strong clinical suspicion of CF remains. 

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The Database was last updated at Apr 25, 2011